domingo, 19 de setembro de 2010

LES VILAINS - Les Vilains

Nous sommes les vilains.
Nos crânes sont rasés.
Nos bras tatoués.
Nos sourcils froncés.
Nous sommes les villains.
Juste quelques copains.
Et pas des musicians.
Ca on le sait bien.

Nous sommes les villains.
Nos poings sont serrés.
Doc Martens cirées.
Prêts à déconner.
Nous sommes les villains.
Pas les plus beaux.
Mais les plus malins.
Ca on le sait bien.

Nous sommes les villains.
Touyours critiques.
Toujours condamnés.
Mais toujours respectés.
Nous sommes les villains.
Pour fourtre la trouille.
Vous casser les dents.
Vous casser les couilles


STARS AND STRIPES - Shaved For Battle (Patriot Records, 1989)

A cena americana tem suas peculiaridades como qualquer outra, uma das que mais se destacam, ou destacavam, é a proximidade com a cena hardcore. O Stars and Stripes banda oriunda de Boston não foi exceção. Em sua formação existiam componentes da banda Slapshot, liderados por Jack Kelly ,que nos anos 80 teve pasagens em bandas como Negative FX e Last Rights. A banda infelizmente teve uma curta trajetória discográfica e suas apresentações foram de fato poucas. Somando-se a este lp a banda lançou mais um 7” e posteriormente um outro Lp em 2004. A temática que a banda se concentra varia entre tópicos que vão desde cultura skin, patriotismo até postura pró exercito americano. O selo Patriot records tinha como dono o próprio Jack.

The American scene has peculiarities like any other, one of the most stand out, or highlight, is the proximity to the hardcore scene. The Stars and Stripes band from Boston, was no exception. In line up there were members of the band Slapshot. Leading by Jack Kelly, who had 80 years was a member of bands like Negative FX and Last Rights. The band unfortunately had a short track record and their presentations were indeed few. Adding to this LP the band released a 7 "and then another LP in 2004. The theme that the band focuses ranging from topics ranging from skin culture, patriotism by pro American army. The Patriot Records was Jack Kelly's Oi! Label.

Vocal = Jack Kelly
Guitar/Bass = Jordan Wood
Drums = Andy Mackaye

01. Shaved for battle
02. We´re Not Criminals
03. Skinheads on the rampage
04. In the right
05. Street kids
06. Here's one for the lads
07. American Oi!
08. The power and the glory
09. Dedicated
10. Proud, strong and free
11. Nowhere
12. Nothing to fight for anymore
13. Gang riot
14. Doc martens army
15. Drop the bombs
16. Time to live, time to die

segunda-feira, 6 de setembro de 2010



Acredito que este seja um dos Lps mais importantes da música francesa. O West Side Boys é uma banda que perpetuou seu nome na história. Este trabalho é composto por melodias e vocais impecáveis. Alguns atualmente torcem o nariz devido seu retorno e mudança sonora em que a banda sofreu. Estão para lançar um novo ep , vamos esperar para ver o que vem por ai!

I believe this is one of the most important LPs of French music. The West Side Boys are a band that has perpetuated his name in history. This work consists of impeccable vocal and melodies. Some actually turn up their noses because of his return and sound change in the band suffered. They are to release a new ep, we'll wait and see what comes around!

Vocal - Pascal
Guitarra - Riton
Baixo - Seb
Bteria - Laurent

01.A la vie, a la mort
02.Les années Oi!
03.Rien pour eux
08.Violeurs (Lyric, Bleach Boys; Music, Combat 84)
10.Sans rancune
11.La médisance
12.Au fil du temps


They're the sons and daughters of well off bankers
Tom Robinson's army of trendy wankers
Flared blue jeans and anoracks
With yellow streaks all down their backs

Who act so tough when their on tv
But trendy wankers don't scare me

Oi!, Oi! Oi! Chosen few
This is what we think of you
Oi!, Oi! Oi! Chosen few
This is what we think of you
Surburban rebels playing at reds
You would be urban terrorists
You don't scare us with your badges and banners
You know fuck all about heavy manners

You're the middle class kiddies from public school
Who write the slogans on the toilet wall
Like Tony Benn's clones in plastic masks
You wave a hammer and sickle, never Union Jacks

Got lots of mouth when your in a crowd
But when your alone you don't speak loud