segunda-feira, 21 de junho de 2010

THE BRUISERS - Bloodshed

Fighting in the street
The strong survive you'll see
Pacing every move
We will not be tamed
I wonder if you think of me
As a human being
We don't really care
To us you mean nothing

Bloodshed in the streets
As the Bruisers defeat

Trying to make a find
Of our weakest link
You'll never get the answer
So don't you even think
Because we are here
And here to stay
We will rule the streets
And you will win no way

domingo, 6 de junho de 2010


Antonella (Klasse Kriminale, Herberts, Battle Zone, Straw Dogs, Super Yob, AceFace) acabou de gravar um álbum intitulado “Phoenix”. Porém ainda não tem selo e data para seu lançamento!

The Skingirl Guitar Hero Antonella (Klasse Kriminale, Herberts, Battle Zone, Straw Dogs, Super Yob, AceFace) just recorded an album entitled "Phoenix." But still has no label and date for release!


O Straw Dogs se reuniu com três membros originais ( Pat, Rob e Tony) e tem previsão de lançar um álbum até o final do ano.

Straw Dogs are back with 3 original members (Pat, Rob and Tony). The new album is planned for release late in the year and is currently untitled.


Os Les Vilains já terminaram as gravações do seu segundo álbum que deverá sair no verão pelo selo Pure Impact. Em Novembro de 2009 a banda gravou uma demo-tape e alguns solos de guitarra feitos por Dieter poderão ser aproveitados!

The Les Vilains already finished recording their second album which will be out in summer by the label Pure Impact. In November 2009 the band recorded a demo and some guitar solos done by Dieter could be used!